Posted on 23 October 2017 by Editor
Sloatsburg Elementary School students kicked off a big week Monday that ends with a bang during Saturday’s annual Halloween Parade. Mayor Carl Wright and Sloatsburg Revitalization Chair Darrell L. Frasier were on hand Monday morning as students started Red Ribbon Week, part of the school’s participation in a drug free message. Continue Reading
Posted on 06 February 2017 by Editor

Sloatsburg capped off the D.A.R.E. program with a spaghetti dinner celebration during the first weekend of February. The action took place at the St. Joan of Arc Church Hall. / Photo by Joe Lloyd, Ph.D. via @SESPirates
Sloatsburg celebrated the end of the Sloatsburg Elementary School D.A.R.E. program Saturday with pasta and other good foods.
Sponsored by the The Friends of Sloatsburg School, and other private donations, the D.A.R.E. Spaghetti dinner took place in warm, cozy Church Hall at St. Joan of Arc Church. The dinner has become a traditional big finale to the Town of Ramapo Police Department 5th-grade student program – SES 5th-graders “graduated” from the program in January. Continue Reading
Posted on 01 February 2017 by Editor
Calling on Sloatsburgers. Put your thinking caps on and get active.
2017 will see two seats open on the Ramapo Central School Board, and what better way to serve your community than to invest in helping improve and protect local schools? Continue Reading
Posted on 22 December 2016 by Editor

Sloatsburg Elementary School 2nd graders visit the Sloatsburg Fire Hall Wednesday, December 21, for their annual caroling at both the Villages of Hillburn and Sloatsburg.
Sloatsburg Elementary School second graders spread holiday cheer to the Village of Sloatsburg and Village of Hillburn Wednesday morning. Mrs. Pagnotta’s second grade class led the way at Sloatsburg’s Fire Hall. Continue Reading
Posted on 15 June 2015 by Editor
Friday proved a perfect day for Sloatsburg Elementary School’s annual Olympic Day, that right of passage where kids take to the field for competition to cap the school year. Continue Reading
Posted on 29 January 2015 by Editor

New York State Assemblyman Karl Brabenec takes his oath of office before an audience of Sloatsburg Elementary students on January 16 / Photo courtesy Ramapo Central Schools
Sloatsburg Elementary students got a front-row glimpse of government in action as witnesses of the ceremonial swearing-in of New York State Assemblymember Karl Brabenec in their school gymnasium on January 16. Continue Reading
Posted on 04 September 2014 by Editor
Students got back to school Wednesday morning, a chill in the air and an eye toward the calendar and first official school holiday. It’s back to those A, B, C, D school days again. Continue Reading
Posted on 12 June 2014 by Editor

Incoming Sloatsburg Principal Joe Lloyd gave Ryan a hand at a recent SES kindergarten orientation activity.
As the school year winds down for students, there are new faces and old who are being celebrated, along with other changes afoot in the Ramapo Central School District. Sloatsburg Elementary School and Cherry Lane Elementary School each get new principals next year, with SES Principal Eric Baird moving to Cherry Lane and Joseph Lloyd due to become Sloatsburg’s new principal. Continue Reading
Posted on 17 September 2012 by Editor
A big civic conflict in small communities is often the issue of growth — how it happens and where and when. There are those who are pro business, or take to heart the mantra ‘build it and they will come’. Then there are people who advocate converting what is to what could be, such as redeveloping an historical village center. Some residents are Nimbys. Continue Reading