Posted on 02 February 2016 by Editor

The NYNJ Trail Conference hosted the 4th Annual Joyce Kilmer Day at its Darlington Road Schoolhouse this past Sunday. / Photo by Geoff Welch
Mahwah resident Joyce Kilmer wrote a brief poem celebrating trees in his Airmont Road home back in 1913, and has ever since been both satirized and celebrated. Continue Reading
Posted on 05 January 2016 by Editor

NY/NJ Trail Conference volunteer crew worked all day recently to build stone steps at Sloatsburg’s Liberty Rock trailhead. Crew members included John Mack, Stephen Zubarik, Richard Lynch, Joan James, Noel Schulz, and Gay Mayer.
In late December, amid a foggy cold mist, a New York/New Jersey Trail Conference crew spent a day building stone steps for a new Sloatsburg trailhead. Continue Reading
Posted on 01 May 2015 by Editor and the Tuxedo Chamber of Commerce will host a May 9 Suds & Speakers event at the Tuxedo Train Station to discuss trail culture and the local economy / Photo of sunset at the Big Hill Shelter at the Beaver Pond Campground by Andrew Lois.
Suddenly it seems everyone wants to be a gateway to the parks and lay claim to the vast network of New York State trails and vistas in and around Rockland and Orange Counties. Continue Reading
Posted on 06 April 2015 by Editor
Just in time for the spring thaw and warm weather, the New York/New Jersey Trail Conference has announced brand new Harriman State Park Trail maps, complete with trail junction to trail junction mile mileage. Continue Reading