Posted on 14 October 2018 by Editor

Last year young Sloatsburg bikers popped wheelies along the parade route. Unfortunately, this year’s Halloween Parade has been cancelled due to impending inclement weather. The Costume Contest will continue on Saturday, October 27, at the Sloatsburg Elementary School, beginning at 4 p.m.
Update: The Village has cancelled this year’s Halloween Parade down Route 17 and through Sloatsburg Streets. Instead residents are asked to participate in the Costume Contest which will be held at Sloatsburg Elementary School at 4 p.m. on Saturday, October 27.
Just like that, the muggy October summer has moved on, leaving birch trees beginning to drop yellow leaves. Temperatures are dipping too as the Halloween season arrives in full. Continue Reading
Posted on 31 October 2017 by Editor

The 32nd Annual Sloatsburg Halloween Parade got started down Route 17 from the Community Fields, led by the Ramapo Police Department.
The Village of Sloatsburg once again had an enthusiastic turn out for its 32nd annual Halloween Parade. The march and community walk down Route 17 took place this past Saturday, October 28, just before the Sunday rain set in.
Once again the Suffern High School Marching Band led the way. Here’s hoping all have a very satisfying Halloween. Continue Reading
Posted on 05 November 2015 by Editor

Members of the Suffern High School Marching Band always get into the spirit of the season. Here they lead the Sloatsburg Halloween Parade down through the center of the Village.
While September weather warms the first days of November, red and yellow leaves continue to drop and fall. Sometimes they fall, floating lazily one at a time, while at other times a whole scattering races from the sky. Continue Reading
Posted on 22 October 2015 by Editor
It’s been 30 years now that Sloatsburg’s celebrated the turning of the leaves in October with a good old fashioned Halloween parade. Continue Reading