NYSDOT Region 8 will host Sloatsburg’s Complete Streets Public Workshop II – Concept Evaluation on Thursday, April 27, at 7:30 p.m. at Village Hall.
Whether from curiosity or to make a contribution, Sloatsburgers showed up en masse at the first Complete Streets Public Workshop. The meeting was hosted by a team from the New York Department of Transportation Region 8 and focused on an open conversation about community transportation issues along Route 17.
Where is the Village charm that adds civic value and enhances quality of life? Is it in the empty storefronts and traffic that speeds through Sloatsburg like a toll-free stretch of thruway?
On Thursday, April 27, at 7:30 p.m., the DOT team will host Public Workshop II – Concept Evaluation, that will focus on drafting corridor goals which can then be implemented in an overall project. A final meeting in June will complete the workshop phase when the DOT presents a Complete Streets concept to Sloatsburgers. Fall 2018 is scheduled for the construction phase, including a paving of Route 17 through the Village.
Sounds good, right? The heavy lifting has been done for Village residents, especially the largest obstacle to such a project — funding. Repeated advocacy about traffic calming on Route 17 through Sloatsburg has been done by a number of people and groups, including Senator David Carlucci’ office, SVdotcom, and the Sloatsburg Revitalization Committee. The result is a rare Complete Streets opportunity presented by the NYSDOT Region 8 office.
But to hear some residents’ views, the whole effort is an intrusive, disruptive bother that will just create more traffic through the Village. Apparently, these people are fine with empty Village center storefronts and deteriorating properties and the general downward spiral of the downtown area. Traffic through the Route 17 corridor is increasingly disrespectful of local laws and life … community life appears to be a sort of impediment to moving fast through Sloatsburg.
A second public workshop for Rt 17 “Complete Streets” Transportation Plan in Sloatsburg is scheduled for April 27 https://t.co/XT48T4Pw0X
— @NYSDOTHV (@NYSDOTHV) April 21, 2017
The residents of Sloatsburg are being handed an amazing opportunity to re-imagine Route 17, build a Village Park, and contribute to revitalizing the Village center, and many respond with the same tired complaint about increased traffic. There’s a state highway called Route 17 or Orange Turnpike that already runs through Sloatsburg. And the Village has lost control of that road. Without action, the traffic behavior will not only get heavier but get worse, with more speeding and more trucks and less respect for the Village.
At some point in civic life, a person has to give to get back. Sloatsburg will not improve if no action is taken.
#CompleteStreets improvements on #Route17 thru #Sloatsburg cld include: road diet, curbs & sidewalks, bike & turn lanes, crosswalks @NYSDOT pic.twitter.com/EWJAyIJ8Tb
— Sloatsburg Village (@Sloatsburgny) February 23, 2017