The Friends of the Sloatsburg Library is a small volunteer organization dedicated to supporting the library. For several years, the group was often the same four or five people who would meet through good weather and bad once a month to discuss ways to help the library.
Throughout its history, the group has had very active periods and some not so active. Wednesday evening’s Friends meeting saw a relatively large turnout of new members and appeared to mark a period of active community participation in the group.
Members took the opportunity to elect a new President — Sloatsburger Brian Colton, who had paper and pen ready, complete with three important mission point — programs, promotions and new members.
Colton, who also serves as Scoutmaster for the Tuxedo/Sloatsburg Pack 46, said he was excited to be part of the Friends and contribute to the library, an important village asset for anyone with young school children.
The library built up a strong Summer Reading program under Annmarie McAnany, who now manages the whole library, and will kick off this year’s version led by Laura Van Ham, who heads up the library’s Kids’ Programs. Van Ham, a NYS Certified teacher, starts things off on Monday, June 29.
Colton takes over leading the Friends from departing longtime President Vicky Guarnieri, who recently began a popular Mahjong Group that meets regularly at the library. Guarnieri’s steady leadership helped the Friends group consistently raise nearly $1000 per year over the last five years via the group’s Holiday Vendor and Craft Fair and seasonal book sales, working in tandem with the group’s Treasurer Cookie Rutella.
The Friends also raise funds for the library through its library counter candy and snack program, headed up by Marie Dodrill, which offers a chocolate fix with dollar donation.
The organization’s newly installed officers, include Colton as president, Joan Wanamaker as vice president, Jayne Barber as secretary, and Karen Hansen as treasurer.
Barber also serves locally as secretary for the Sloatsburg Seniors and Sloatsburg Historical Society.
Colton got right down to business by publishing a brand new Friends of the Sloatsburg Library Facebook page. Go like it so that the Friends can contact you about activities.
The FOSL donate money annually to the Children’s Summer Reading Program, purchased and installed the handy flyer wall holder in the library’s entranceway and donated shelving to the Children’s Room.
Membership is open to all Village of Sloatsburg residents and Sloatsburg Library patrons. To join, just download the application below, fill it out and get active.