Tuesday, November 3, is just around the corner. Many people have already taken action to vote and have their ballot counted. The most powerful way to redress any grievances as citizens is to vote.
On the national level, 2020 offers a clear choice between two very different vision for the country. Dark and stormy division or united in hope for a better future.
Village Happenings: 10/14/2020 The village office has received numerous calls with the question, “Will the village be…
Posted by The Village of Sloatsburg on Wednesday, October 14, 2020
The Village of Sloatsburg reminded residents that people can cast ballots in-person at Village Hall on election day. Voters should stop by Village Hall to vote in-person on Tuesday, November 3, from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Wear a mask. Social distance. Vote.
On the Village level, there are several candidates on the ballot, with top of ticket being the selection of a new mayor. Longtime Mayor Carl Wright has announced he is stepping down after a long career at Village Hall. Peter Akey is running to succeed Wright. Akey is a Village Trustee and Deputy Mayor and has worked closely with Wright on key projects and local issues.

Sloatsburg resident Peter Akey is on the ballot for mayor in the upcoming November 3 election. Akey has been instrumental in promoting Sloatsburg via municipal improvement projects and economic development. On a visual level, he has helped with the installation of new Sloatsburg signage, including street signs, welcome signs and a new merchant parking sign.
Trustee Akey has been on the dais at Village Hall for some 10 years, serving as both a Trustee and Deputy Mayor. He also helped write the Comprehensive Plan in 2007 as a member of the Sloatsburg Planning Board. Over the the past few years, Akey has worked (with both Mayor Wright and the entire board) to push for completion of municipal infrastructure projects and harness Sloatsburg’s park and community assets to revitalize the local economy.
Akey has had in hand the many village improvement projects, including new village signage, common property improvements and upkeep, park and Community Field upgrades, as well as working to support renewal of the village business center via additional parking and the roll out an evolving pedestrian-friendly corridor (including the NYSDOT Complete Streets).
Akey has worked with Mayor Wright to articulate the vision that Sloatsubrg’s strengths reside in celebrating its semi-rural roots, history, culture and community, while harnessing its location as a gateway to NYS and Rockland County parks as a way to promote economic activity and attract new residents.
Two Village Board candidates will be on the ballot to fill the Village Board seats of Dan O’Leary and Tom Buckley, whose terms expire. Both Trustees deserve a big thank you from Sloatsburgers for their very active and extremely productive tenures as board members. Each served their constituencies and contributed to improving Sloatsburg.

Local voters can cast ballots Tuesday, November 4, at the Sloatsburg Fire Hall at Municipal Plaza, 96 Orange Turnpike. Polls are open 6m to 9pm.
Darrel L. Frasier and Tom Donnelly are on the ballot for the two open board seats. Frasier is Chair of the Sloatsburg Revitalization Committee, a Trustee of the Sloatsburg Library and serves on the Sloatsburg Zoning Board of Appeals. He has advocated to beautify Sloatsburg through the village and to take action to calm traffic along Route 17.
Tom Donnelly currently serves on the Suffern Central School District Board of Education and was a longtime Ramapo Police Officer and renowned Resource Officer at Suffern High School.