Mary Buckley
On the year of your birth, Woodrow Wilson is President, Thomas Marshall is Vice President, Richard Nixon is born, the federal income tax is introduced, the 17th amendment provides for direct election of the United States Senators, Grand Central and the Woolworth Building open, the federal reserve is created, the Ford assembly line begins operation, the first Charlie Chaplin movies begin to appear, Ebbets Field is opened in
Brooklyn, the Philadelphia Athletics defeat the NY Giants in the world series, the NY Highlanders become the Yankees and Frank Chance is named manager and Al Jolson has a big hit with You Made Me Love You.
Your life has paralleled the journey of America through the twentieth century and you were born prior to World War I. You have seen 17 presidents. You were a young girl in the Roaring Twenties and you participated in the incorporation of the Village of Sloatsburg. You lived through the Great Depression of the 1930’s and World War II. This experience alone elevates you to be a member of what is considered to be the greatest generation ever. You have lived through the cold war, 9/11, the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. You witnessed Charles Lindbergh flying across the Atlantic Ocean in 1927 and 42 years later, Neil Armstrong walking on the moon. You saw and heard the first talking motion pictures, marveled at the event of television, and were captivated by the age of computers. You watched a president
resign, one impeached, one elected without a majority of the popular vote and the first one of African American decent. You have seen the results of the technological revolution, the collapse of the Soviet Union and a change in the American culture. You are a custodian of our nation’s history.
You still live in the house in which you were born. You possess a vivid memory of what everyday life was like in the early part of the 20th century. There was no running water or electricity, wood and coal heated the home, and kerosene lanterns lit the dark of the night. Your family had a horse, a cow, chickens, pigs and a huge garden. You remember the butcher delivering meat and the fish man bringing fish. The ice man came once a week.
As a young woman you worked in Avon. You can recall with much detail many experiences and the friendships that were made. During World War II troop trains would travel through Suffern and pass Avon. The employees would leave the factory and go outside to wave and cheer the soldiers who were on their way to the European theater of war.
You have a reservoir of knowledge relating to local history much of which you have lived and experienced. You are a member of the Sloatsburg Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary, St. Joan of Arc’s Rosary Altar Society and for many years you brought food to the needy as a volunteer for Meals on Wheels.
You met Thomas Buckley, Sr. and each of you quickly discovered that you were soulmates. Your marriage was based on love, respect, devotion and shared values. You became parents of two children, Sue and Tom, Jr. who were fortunate enough to be born to such loving people. You taught by example and your compassion for all people was evident to all. You served as an example as to what husband and wife are meant to be. Your marriage was an inspiration to us all.
Helping others is one of your strongest attributes and reflects your great humanitarianism. Through hard work and sacrifice you have enhanced the lives of so many for which we are eternally grateful.
You have excelled in the many roles you have played in life — daughter, wife, mother, grandmother and now great grandmother.
You have kept abreast of the latest technology. However your greatest joy continues to be your family – your daughter Sue, her husband Sal, your son Tom, his wife Laura, grandson Tom, granddaughter Jessica, her husband George, and now great grandchildren Adrianna and Nicholas, who are the light of your life.
You have given and received unbounded love. We have all been blessed to have known you as you are a most wonderful and remarkable person.
Your intellect, spunk, determination and zest for life make you a renaissance woman in any century. When special people have birthdays everyone who knows them celebrates. Today we celebrate Mary Buckley’s 100th birthday.
You are a national treasure!
By the authority of powers invested in me, I hereby declare
November 21, 2013 as Mary Buckley Day in the Village of Sloatsburg
Carl S. Wright