Posted on 30 April 2020 by Editor
Farmony Garden started back in 2006 when local resident Clare Consiglio broke ground to create a garden that would teach kids about nutrition. Sloatsburg Elementary School kids helped tend garden back then and fresh vegetables were donated to the Sloatsburg Food Pantry. Continue Reading
Posted on 08 April 2020 by Editor

Here is Phil Tisi (center of photo) next to Sloatsburg Mayor Carl Wright, with Jenny Kirby, owner of Characters at the far left, Ken Wojehowski and Joyce Donohue. All gathered at Sloatsburg Elementary School this past winter.
Phil Tisi was one of those legendary people – prominent community advocate, connected political operator, mentor to many, and friend to nearly everyone. He was active early in Sloatsburg politics, taught in the Suffern Central School District and lived to see his dream of Sloatsburg and the corridor communities light up through revitalization and position the area as the kind of trail town destination he always imagined it might become. Continue Reading