Posted on 25 September 2018 by Editor

Video still from of the incident via Sloatsburg business CCI Integrators, Inc.
A Metra crew was working along Route 17 Monday afternoon when a worksite explosion suddenly sent dirt and debris into the air. A local Sloatsburg business surveillance video captured the incident, which was purportedly caused by a piece unexploded dynamite (or explosive) used for blasting on site.
The Sloatsburg Fire Department, Sloatsburg Volunteer Ambulance Corps. and Rockland Paramedics responded to the incident. Metra has been working on a particularly difficult, final stretch of the Western Ramapo Sewer District Project for the Rockland County Sewer District 1, one that has involved granite ledge rock and the use of many minor explosions along Route 17 at Dater Crossing.
The Ramapo Police Department reported that two Metra workers were treated at the scene and that the incident remains under investigation. Local Sloatsburg business CCI, Integrators, Inc. provided Ramapo Police with surviellance video of the area which caught the explosion.
Currently Metra is negotiating with Rockland utility companies on how to finish the stretch of Route 17. Metra has used minor controlled blasts along the route to dig up roadway which will extend the amount of time it takes to complete the project. The utility companies have blocked requests from Metra to use more intensive blasting due to concerns about utility infrastructure damage.
The sewer project extension has also set back the date for the New York State Department of Transportation to begin its Complete Street Project through the Village of Sloatsburg which will include the paving of Route 17 through the village. Current projections for the Complete Streets project to commence in 2020.
Posted on 24 September 2018 by Editor

A New York New Jersey Trail Conference volunteer looks on as mountain bikers come down the new multi-use hike/bike/ride trail in Sterling Forest State Park, partially fund by Michael Bruno’s Tuxedo Hudson Corporation. The NYNJTC celebrates the 7-mile multi-use trail loop grand opening on Sunday, September 30.
The idea of Sloatsburg as a outdoor adventure hub and gateway to the surrounding parks is a step closer than it was last year. The western Rockland County Route 17 corridor, (including Tuxedo with a train station that serves as a weekend magnet for hikers), is tucked between Harriman State Park and Dater Mountain Nature Park and other count and town parks. Add the vast green expanse of Sterling Forest State Park off to the west as far as Greenwood Lake and Sloatsburg and Tuxedo are surrounded by parkland. Continue Reading
Posted on 12 September 2018 by Editor

The HBO series “High Maintenance”, about the life and times of a personal pot delivery guy in NYC, shot a show for season three in Sloatsburg, NY.
The basic premise of the HBO series “High Maintenance” has the show’s main character riding through New York City on a bike, delivering weirdness, scraps of human compassion and wisdom and weed products. Continue Reading
Posted on 11 September 2018 by Editor

The featured photo for the Village of Sloatsburg by Geoff Welch that is part of the Rockland County Tourism Explore Harriman poster. The campaign promotes western Rockland County as a trail town and outdoors destination. Posters are due to be installed on NJ Transit North Bergen County Line trains and select platforms this fall (including trains on the Sloatsburg line).
September is the traditional turning of the season for Sloatsburg and other Hudson Valley communities. It marks the return of school and the coming of October’s leaf peeping, when temperatures dip and the trees begin to light up with a bit of fall color. Continue Reading
Posted on 02 September 2018 by Editor
The old public playground is not what it used to be. There’s the spring-laden duck of death that rocks back and forth. Sometimes a kid will rock so hard they get bucked off or nearly knock themselves out. And then there’s the spinning Merry-Go-Round that has put the fear of flight and injury into countless kids. How many have spun the giant metal wheel to warp speed before either jumping on off? Continue Reading