Posted on 30 March 2017 by Editor

Mayor Carl Wright reported Thursday, March 31, that NYS DEC soil sampling of dirt and other sewer construction materials at Sloatsburg’s Community Fields found no contamination or indications of possible hazardous materials.
Sloatsburgers can breathe a sigh of relief as an incredibly worrying rumor has been struck down by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
NBC News 4 reporter Sarah Wallace filed a sensational video report on Tuesday evening that charged Town of Ramapo Supervisor Christopher St. Lawrence with culpable malfeasance by leaving knowingly contaminated sewer construction dirt and materials at Sloatsburg’s Community Fields and at other dump sites in Hillburn, NY. Continue Reading
Posted on 29 March 2017 by Editor

A view from behind some of the dirt at the Sloatsburg Community Fields that was discovered to be deemed contaminated with various petroleum production by-products. The Town of Ramapo signed an $800,000 contract in 2012 to clean up the old roadway and debris but never did the work.This land may actually be part of unincorporated Ramapo.
The News 4 “toxic dirt” story swirled around Sloatsburg’s Village Hall Tuesday night, March 28, as the Village Board gathered for its last meeting in March. Continue Reading
Posted on 26 March 2017 by Editor
Both the Suffern and Sloatsburg Libraries serve as busy hubs of community activity, providing programs and services to kids and adults alike. Continue Reading
Posted on 22 March 2017 by Editor

The Suffern High School Spring Musical takes place this week, and is a co-operative production that includes cast, crew, tech, and support staff.
From Tuxedo to Suffern, high school music students have been hard at work preparing for this week’s spring musical. Continue Reading
Posted on 21 March 2017 by Editor
Right as rush hour traffic through Sloatsburg was ramping up Monday, March 20, a car ran off the road on Route 17 at Colonial Avenue. Continue Reading
Posted on 14 March 2017 by Editor

The first Complete Streets Public Workshop took place in Sloatsburg at the end of February and had a big turnout from people across the village.The NYSDOT Region 8 team were at the Fire Hall to greet Sloatsburgers with maps and other information as the evening discussion focused on local Route 17 issues.
The Municipal Parking Lot was filled to overflow for the recent Complete Streets Public Workshop for the Village of Sloatsburg, which took place on February 28. Some showed up out of curiosity about what the New York Transportation Department Region 8 had in store for the evening, while most looked to speak up about how to improve Route 17 through Sloatsburg. Continue Reading
Posted on 12 March 2017 by Editor

Harmony Hall in winter, fronted by the Great Lawn. / Photo by Geoff Welch
Spring was about to be sprung early this year, when winter temperatures climbed to record highs. And then, suddenly the thermometer plunged back to below freezing. But no matter. The Vernal Equinox will be right on time and marks the official beginning of spring while also featuring a perfectly balanced day with equal parts day and night.
Harmony Hall Curator Geoff Welch will host an afternoon celebrating the Vernal Equinox on Sunday, March 19, from 2-4 p.m. (The actual Vernal Equinox takes Monday, March 20, at approximately 6:29 a.m.) Continue Reading
Posted on 09 March 2017 by Editor
It just so happens that the news came down in the shadow of the Ides of March. Former Town of Ramapo Deputy Attorney and Executive Director of the Ramapo Local Development Corp. Aaron Troodler signed a plea agreement that involves testifying against his old boss, Ramapo Supervisor Christopher St. Lawrence, who also served as chair of the Ramapo LDC. Continue Reading
Posted on 06 March 2017 by Editor
Sloatsburg lost one another of its treasured World War II veterans with the passing of Elizabeth “Betty” Lahm, who was 96 years old.

Betty Lahm sits between two other Sloatsburg WII veterans, Village Historian Harrison Bush and George Heller (now deceased), during a special Village Board ceremony in 2012 to honor village veterans.
Betty Lahm was a longtime member of both the Sloatsburg Senior Center and the The Ladies Auxiliary of the Sloatsburg Fire Department. As a member of the Senior Center, Lahm could be found many a Wednesday afternoon, welcome smile on her face, behind the old-style raffle bin which she ran for a $1 a ticket. Continue Reading
Posted on 05 March 2017 by Editor

The Related Co. continues to grade and make infrastructure improvements on the Tuxedo Farms property — the development’s first phase will build vacation and residential homes between Tuxedo and Sloatsburg, NY. The photo shows work on the Tuxedo Farms main entranceway on Route 17.
The view of the mountaintop can be seen from all around Sloatsburg. A large swath of brown amid trees along the southeastern face of mountain between the Village of Tuxedo Park and Village of Sloatsburg. Continue Reading