Posted on 30 January 2017 by Editor
Mayors of villages can do a whole lot, from making local laws to managing employees and common properties. Alas, they can’t build private roads or give away money.
The New York State Conference of Mayors and Municipal Officials is holding an essay contest and want to know what you would do as Mayor. The contest invites 8th graders in the Villages of Sloatsburg, Hillburn and Suffern to write a short essay on what they would do as Mayor. Easy as getting elected. Continue Reading
Posted on 28 January 2017 by Editor
It was a big week for oil pipelines. An executive order from the White House set into motion this past week the permitting process for two controversial oil pipelines, the proposed transnational Keystone XL that would run from Canada to Texas, and Dakota Access Pipeline. Both pipelines would cross the Ogallala Aquifer, one of the world’s largest. Continue Reading
Posted on 22 January 2017 by Editor

Tuxedo, NY resident Sue Scher, originally from Brooklyn, attended the Women’s March in NYC with old friends from her Camp Kinderland days, a camp in Tolland, MA founded in 1923 by Jewish activists as a retreat for children from the tenements of NYC.
Saturday morning in Sloatsburg started off foggy from unseasonable muggy weather, but a small group of area women were already on their way to Manhattan to merge with others traveling into the city from across the Hudson Valley, and beyond. The first thing people saw upon arriving in the city were others streaming in from subway stops and buses, and plenty of colorful signs on display.
The day in the city turned out to be one for the history books, as similar mass marches of men and women took place across the country. Continue Reading
Posted on 17 January 2017 by Editor
By Kathy Goldman
One of Sloatsburg’s own, Elona Stella, lost her brave battles with breast cancer, leukemia and kidney disease over the Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend on Saturday, January, 14. She was just 57 years old.

Sloatsburger Elona Stella passed away surrounded by family and loved ones over the Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend, after her long battle with breast cancer and leukemia, and other related complications.
Elona was surrounded by the love of family and friends during her last days. Continue Reading
Posted on 17 January 2017 by Editor
With the New Year here, will periodically run a survey or poll to encourage reader engagement on issues or ideas that might impact Sloatsburg’s quality of life.

Participate in the SVdotcom poll — should Village Hall provide more flexible hours one day per week?
First out of the box is a poll that touches on an issue that comes up frequently — office hours at Village Hall. Continue Reading
Posted on 16 January 2017 by Editor
Whether he’s out back on break with a pitching wedge in hand on the Harmony Hall great lawn or inside greeting repeat customers, Sushiville owner CJ Oh is sold on Sloatsburg. He believes that the village is a special place, nestled in the Ramapo Mountains, with a beautiful river running through the village and Harriman State Park and Sterling Forest State Park nearby. Continue Reading
Posted on 10 January 2017 by Editor
Rockland County, N.Y. — First came the summer 2016 announcement from New York Governor Andrew Cuomo about growing lifestyle company Warby Parker’s decision to locate its new optical lab in Rockland County, right down the road from Sloatsburg in part of the Rockland Standard Gears building. Continue Reading