Posted on 30 May 2016 by Editor

Members of the Sloatsburg Volunteer Fire Department lead the 2016 Memorial Day Parade. The SFD held its first official meeting on November 27, 1923, at the Henry Club which still stands on Route 17 and was once a thriving community gathering place for dances and other entertainment.
While other village Memorial Day celebrations and parades across the Hudson Valley were cancelled due to early morning threatening weather, Sloatsburg carried on with its scheduled program — to the delight of many. Continue Reading
Posted on 29 May 2016 by Editor
The Tuxedo Park Library has invested a lot of time and effort in its annual fundraiser Memorial Day Community Picnic.
And the Tuxedo community has responded, helping to make the day’s festivities a popular hit – compete with talent show and picnic. Now, if those threatening Monday showers will co-operate. Rain or shine things take place at the Tuxedo Park Library on Route 17 in the middle of Tuxedo, and directly across from the Tuxedo Post Office and Train Station. Continue Reading
Posted on 26 May 2016 by Editor
The popular St. Joan of Arc Church Carnival returns for the Memorial Day Weekend, beginning Thursday, May 26, and running through Sunday, May 29. With the Carnival, Sunday evening’s scheduled fireworks display and Monday’s annual Parade, the long Memorial Day weekend is shaping up to be sunny and full of fun.
If the weather promises to cooperate and remain sunny, the St. Joan of Arc Church Carnival’s four-day stay should see another successful run. Continue Reading
Posted on 25 May 2016 by Editor
Article contributed by Deb Munitz

The Suffern High School Crew Team of 8 (along with a fellow team of 4) is rowing its way to the Scholastic Rowing Association of America’s National Championships being held at Dillon State Park in Zanesville, Ohio over the Memorial Day weekend.
The Suffern High School Crew Team are excited to be sending 2 boats to Nationals, the first time ever that Suffern Crew (also 2010-15 Rockland County Champs) will have two Varsity Boats competing at the highest level in the country. Continue Reading
Posted on 24 May 2016 by Editor

Seniors and family members enjoyed a lunch at the Sloatsburg Senior Center, complete with birthday, cake as residents who turn 90 years old this year were celebrated.
There must be something to Ramapo Mountain water in the Village of Sloatsburg. On a recent May Wednesday, the Sloatsburg Center Center celebrated those community members who turned (or will turn this year) 90 years old. Some five Sloatsburgers were on hand for the the day’s festivities, which included a lunch and birthday cake. Continue Reading
Posted on 23 May 2016 by Editor
Heading into the upcoming Memorial Day weekend, Sloatsburg has a full schedule. Tuesday kicks things off with the 16th Annual Recognition of Graduating Seniors for the Class of 2016. Tuesday evening, starting at 7:30 p.m.

The Village of Sloatsburg Board of Trustees celebrates Sloatsburg’s graduating seniors Tuesday, May 24, at 7:30 p.m. at Village Hall.
The program takes place at Sloatsburg Village Hall and is a popular and traditional send-off for local high school seniors, many of whom started school just down the road as students at Sloatsburg Elementary School. Continue Reading
Posted on 19 May 2016 by Editor
Look for your friends and neighbors to put up Sale signs Saturday when the annual Village Wide Garage Sale returns. Don’t mind the cloudy skies. Continue Reading
Posted on 18 May 2016 by Editor
The Sloatsburg Public Library has been quietly working to fix up and renovate nearly its entire interior space — from the Chapel room floor to the bathroom faucets. Continue Reading
Posted on 18 May 2016 by Editor

The Harriman Yellow Shuttle Bus is another step toward making the Tuxedo/Sloatsburg corridor at gateway to Harriman State Park. The shuttle kicks off another season starting Saturday and Sunday, May 21 and 22, and costs $5 per ride.
The yellow bus that is the Tuxedo-Harriman shuttle rides again. Continue Reading
Posted on 17 May 2016 by Editor
The final stretch is upon students at schools throughout the Ramapo Central School District, and that means plenty of academic and extracurricular activity. Continue Reading