Posted on 07 April 2016 by Editor

The Sloatsburg Community Fields has recently become an active production hub for local movie and other entertainment shoots.
Stretching like a small carnival street at the back of the Sloatsburg Community Fields is a series of non-descript trailers. SUVs and and vehicles come and go. Sloatsburg has become a regular production outpost for filming in Western Ramapo and Rockland County. Continue Reading
Posted on 07 April 2016 by Editor
It often appears to come back to the flow of cars through Sloatsburg, the Route 17 siren song of sorts for businesses. Sushiville owner and Queens, NY resident CJ Oh found his way to Sloatsburg via Route 17, lured by the surrounding golf courses and woody hills. Continue Reading
Posted on 03 April 2016 by Editor

Michael Bruno discusses his Tuxedo Hudson Company adventure that he hopes will help transform the Sloatsburg to Tuxedo corridor. / Photo still from video by Hema Easley
The Blue Barn property in Sloatsburg is currently being re-landscaped while the old IGA building in Tuxedo is getting shut-down for restoration and rebirth. By now many locals in the Sloatsburg through Tuxedo corridor are familiar with the tale of Michael Bruno and the Tuxedo Hudson Company, which has set out to revitalize the area through a particular vision of food, antique and craft commerce. Continue Reading
Posted on 01 April 2016 by Editor
The Sloatsburg Elementary School PTA is looking for your support. Join in forĀ a great evening of fun and bingo Friday evening, April 1. Continue Reading