Posted on 19 August 2015 by Editor
As Tuxedo’s George F. Baker High School readies itself for a new school year, there’s a general excitement underfoot about the district’s future. With the recent delivery some 150 shiny new Google Chromebooks, the Tuxedo’s STEM Academy has steered a course away from any concerns about closing that will allow all 7-12 grade students to log in and learn. Continue Reading
Posted on 18 August 2015 by Editor
Many Pine Grove Lakes homeowners are curious about a proposed plan to build a new house at the top of the Hillside Road mountaintop, just below the community water tower. Continue Reading
Posted on 17 August 2015 by Editor
Social media matters travel fast, especially in small communities. Word of local happenings sometimes travels so fast that new news appears to be yesterday’s headlines before it makes its way through the grapevine. Continue Reading
Posted on 07 August 2015 by Editor
Some might call it bad form, others initiative, or even something a bit more salty. But a trio of Village of Suffern Trustees appears to have taken their policy-making Village Board quorum on the road. Continue Reading
Posted on 06 August 2015 by Editor
Rockland County recently held an interagency oil train drill, where some 30 county groups participated in a mock train crash disaster. The effort was a direct response to growing concern that the increase in mile long freight trains of Bakken crude oil rolling through Rockland on rail has increased the probability of a spill disaster. Continue Reading
Posted on 02 August 2015 by Editor

Timber Rattlesnakes, a protected species, live in the hills and rocks surrounding Sloatsburg, where squirrels and chipmunks are plentiful.
Everyone and everything seem to seek out shade during hot afternoon weather, including hidden-in-plain-sight Timber Rattlesnakes. Continue Reading