Posted on 31 July 2014 by Editor
Some say rural and rustic can and should include development and some density in Western Ramapo and Orange County. Others contend that it only makes sense to be good shepherds of the woody Ramapo Mountains and parks and open spaces in Rockland and Orange Counties, where the expansive Ramapo River watershed runs and helps water homes and businesses along its banks in New York and New Jersey. Continue Reading
Posted on 30 July 2014 by Editor

NY Department of Transportation contractors and crew repair worn road on the southbound lane of the Korean Memorial Highway Bridge in Hillburn, NY.
One of Western Ramapo’s bumpiest bridges has been given some TLC this week. The Korean War Memorial Highway Bridge carries Rt. 59 traffic over the Norfolk Southern Railroad in Hillburn, NY at the entrance to Torne Valley Road. New York Department of Transporation contractors were working the last Tuesday and Wednesday of July cutting clean sections of concrete on the southbound lane. The end result is a smooth new section of bridge road. Continue Reading
Posted on 28 July 2014 by Editor
If you were so inclined and were paying attention to such a thing, Tuxedo Farms recently arrived imagined whole in living color almost overnight — at least in digital form. Continue Reading
Posted on 28 July 2014 by Editor
The last Sloatsburg Village Board meeting of July bristled with activity, including a couple of resident issues added fresh to the agenda and a visit by Ramapo Police Chief Peter Brower. Continue Reading
Posted on 24 July 2014 by Editor
For some the dog days of summer have already arrived. But for the Friends of Harmony Hall, August will feature the real deal when the group hosts its annual Dog Days of Summer Community Yard Sale and Flea Market on the old Jacob Sloat House Great Lawn. Continue Reading
Posted on 15 July 2014 by Editor
From the new Jehovah Witness sprawling world headquarters to Tuxedo Farms and Genting Americas Tuxedo Ridge casino, the Town of Tuxedo is percolating with development activity. If all the projects continue and come to full project completion, they would certainly change the Western Ramapo-Orange County connected community. Continue Reading
Posted on 12 July 2014 by Editor
A light of kind-hearted village life went out Friday afternoon, July 11, during the bustle of regular comings and goings at the very store that was a great source of pride and joy and consternation.
Kenneth Hayward, owner and operator of Hayward’s Deli & Market in Sloatsburg, NY, a man of many causes as well as a quiet force of community outreach, died suddenly Friday while tending to business in his familair backroom office — a place where friends would often drop in for a quick visit. Continue Reading
Posted on 04 July 2014 by Editor
Pull up a chair a minute and meet and greet familiar faces and friends at the annual Tuxedo Chamber summer barbeque next week.
a popular place to sit down and catch up with local news and events around town, the Tuxedo Chamber of Commerce get together will serve plenty of burgers, hotdogs and conversation Wedesday, July 10, from 6 p.m. through 8 p.m. at Powerhouse Park.
The gathering brings all sorts of local business and town folk and is free for members. Non-members pay a pittance $10 (for those who know a chamber member but aren’t themselves members).
Drop in and kick back a bit. Kindly R.S.V.P. to by July 8th if possible.
Powerhouse Park is past the far end of the Tuxedo Daily Commuter Lot. Turn onto East Village Road off Route 17 just north of the Tuxedo Train Station. Go over the railroad tracks and make a left into the Commuter Lot. Follow the signs.
Posted on 02 July 2014 by Editor
Tuxedo Reserve: What It Means For Rockland County is an Executive’s Corner op-ed published in April from Rockland County Executive Ed Day’s office. The Day administration met with Town of Tuxedo and Related Companies decision-makers on the topic of connecting Tuxedo Farms/Reserve into the Rockland County Sewer District 1’s Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant in Hillburn, NY. The issue relates to interagency partnerships at the county level, one presumes. Day frames the topic from the perspective of the the County Executive’s office. Continue Reading