Posted on 30 March 2014 by Editor
With all the construction going on around Sloatsburg, sometimes it can be difficult to decide which crew is with which company or outfit.
“If you run over a guy wearing lime green then you were aiming for him,” said Village of Sloatsburg Trustee Dan O’Leary about the DPW’s new lime green work vests.
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Posted on 28 March 2014 by Editor
Finally, confirmation. While no Sloatsburg official made any official statement, or could even confirm that Rockland County Executive Ed Day was, indeed, meeting with the Town of Tuxedo, local gadfly and activist John Kwasnicki was able to shine some sunshine on the issue.

General map for the proposed Tuxedo Reserve 1,195 unit development /
It was Kwasnicki who repeatedly peppered the Sloatsburg board of trustees over the years on how the village was spending the nearly one million dollars Tuxedo Reserve has paid the municipality for community improvements. Spent in general funds, came the answer. Continue Reading
Posted on 27 March 2014 by Editor
Ready. Set. Go this coming Saturday to the Sloatsburg Public Library because it’s celebrating the roll out of a brand new website that will feature many enhanced patron services.
The Sloatsburg Public Library invites patrons to drop by on Saturday, March 29, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. to learn about the library’s programs and enhanced services.
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Posted on 25 March 2014 by Editor

The Green in Pine Grove Lakes gets fenced in by Montana Construction. The common property is due to be used as a yearlong construction site for neighborhood sewer work.
Pine Grovers in Sloatsburg will wake up to a fenced in construction site smack in the middle of the neighborhood’s common green space. With sewer blasting commencing in the area by Rockland Sewer District 1 contractor Montana Construction, heavy equipment and street debris will be part of daily life for the residents of Sloatsburg’s only homeowner association neighborhood. Continue Reading
Posted on 25 March 2014 by Editor
The cold, dark winter months have not kept the Village of Sloatsburg Board from working on a range of activities. The Board of Trustees meets Tuesday night, March 25, at 7:30 p.m. at Village Hall. Continue Reading
Posted on 24 March 2014 by Editor
Hundreds of brothers and sisters have come from all over the world on a sort of religious pilgrimage, joining together on a grand adventure to construct a new mother church headquarters in the woody surrounds of Orange County, NY. On Monday evening, the Watchtower organization will make its big reveal at the Tuxedo Town Hall related to the global scope of the Jehovah’s Witnesses grand facility on Long Meadow Road in Tuxedo and planned headquarters in Warwick. Continue Reading
Posted on 21 March 2014 by Editor
As support for an education tax credit bill grows in Albany, there is push back against the bill on the local level. The Ramapo Teachers Association has sent out word to rally Friday afternoon from 3 to 5 p.m. outside NY State Senator David Carlucci’s Nanuet offices. Continue Reading
Posted on 20 March 2014 by Editor
Spring has finally tip toed into the picture, with winter’s snows melting and birds fluttering.
Local photographer and Curator at Harmony Hall Geoff Welch caught some of the action. Continue Reading
Posted on 19 March 2014 by Editor
The Town of Ramapo apparently used a build first approach during construction of the Boulders ballpark in Pomona, NY. The town was charged by U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara with repeatedly filling in wetlands surrounding Provident Bank Park in violation of the Clean Water Act. Continue Reading
Posted on 18 March 2014 by Editor
Spring officially arrives on Thursday, March 20, perhaps heralded by the passing of the giant asteroid Erigone, which is due to cross in front of the bright star Regulus at 2 a.m. Thursday morning.

The Amaranthus Ensemble performs Sunday, March 23, at St. Mary’s in Tuxedo.
A certain celebration of spring will take place this Sunday at St. Mary’s-in-Tuxedo Episcopal Church when the Amaranthus Ensemble performs works by Beethoven, Kreisler, Kargul, Glazounoff, Fuchs, Mozart and Handel. Continue Reading