Posted on 31 December 2013 by Editor

The last sunrise of 2013 was captured by local photographer Geoff Welch as it rose over the Ramapos.
Here’s the last sunrise of the year, coming up over the Ramapo Mountains on December 31, 2013. Brace yourselves for the New Year cold as 2014 will come in later this week with minus zero temperatures in the early morning.
Remember, it’s back to school on Thursday, January 2, for all those Ramapo Central School students. Brrrr . . . for Thursday and Friday morning.
Thanks to all those readers who have stuck with SloatsburgVillage throughout the year. Local photographer Geoff Welch caught the Tuesday morning sky as it lit up in yellow and pinks, just before the cloud coverage descended. Look for possible snow later in the week, but definitely get out your winter hat as New Year temperatures are expected to drop down to single digits, and below!
Here’s a toast to you and the long, meandering year that is exiting beyond the western hills this evening. Have fun. Be safe. Resolve to do something different in 2014.
Posted on 27 December 2013 by Editor
Ed Day is scheduled to become the new Rockland County Executive when he’s sworn into office on New Year’s Day in a ceremony at the Rockland County Fire Training Center. Day has invited the public to attend the 11 a.m. inauguration, which will feature “first come, first served” seating.
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Posted on 23 December 2013 by Editor

The Warren residence in Sloatsburg suffered substantial damage due to a sudden basement fire that traveled up the interior walls to the attic.
Just as a Sloatsburg family was settling down for the night and all ready to host holiday guests, a basement blaze changed everything in a New York minute. Continue Reading
Posted on 23 December 2013 by Editor
With students home for the holidays this week, here’s a look at recent activities from the local elementary school. Continue Reading
Posted on 21 December 2013 by Editor

Sunrise over the Ramapo Mountains in Sloatsburg, NY.
The shortest day of the year is here and will be over before you know. Local photographer Geoff Welch caught the Winter Solstice sunrise coming up over the Ramapo Mountain on this warming December 21 Saturday.
Look for temperatures to veer toward the 60s this weekend. Continue Reading
Posted on 19 December 2013 by Editor
This time, the show will go on.
The Lafayette Theatre in Suffern is the place to be Saturday morning, December 21, for the annual Town of Ramapo Christmas Spectacular. There’ll be singing and Santa and an original silent movie, Big Business, featuring Laural & Hardy — with music by Jeffery Barker and the Mighty Wurlitzer. Continue Reading
Posted on 19 December 2013 by Editor

Students at Tuxedo Park School celebrate their “Canstruction” project which was donated to the Sloatsburg UMC Food Pantry.
There are many different ways helping hands reach out and assist the local food pantry. Whether it’s a food drop off at the Sloatsburg Library, the Tuxedo Chamber of Commerce’s Have A Heart drive or through the giving of local businesses, such as Hayward’s Deli along Rt. 17 in Sloatsburg. Continue Reading
Posted on 18 December 2013 by Editor
A new star-studded movie from the writer/director of Crazy Heart recently hit the theaters and depicts a bleak life of drugs and thugs in the Ramapo Mountains. Out of the Furnace stars Christian Bale, Casey Affleck, Sam Shepard, Woody Harrelson, and Forrest Whitaker, to name a few. But the film, about a recently returned and much traumatized Iraqi war veteran who ends up on the skids, also features a gang of Jackson Whites (a name that is historically a slur against the native Ramapo people and has specific negative connotations) and so-called north Jersey mountain hillbillies who live in trailers. Continue Reading
Posted on 16 December 2013 by Editor
As newly elected Rockland County Executive Ed Day prepares to take office, he’s gathering together his staff and reminding some constituents about past promises.
This past Friday the 13th, Day went public with a biting letter sent to NY State Education Commissioner John King regarding the East Ramapo School District and that Board of Education’s failure to make any movement to rid itself of Minerva & D’Agostino, the Long Island, NY law firm that represents the district. Continue Reading
Posted on 16 December 2013 by Editor

Kathy Goldman with her handcrafted and packaged Ol’ Darlin’ soaps and salves.
Rococo’s Salon in Sloatsburg shows customers its appreciation
Rococo’s Salon & Boutique is often one of the beacons of light shining evenings in Sloatsburg’s central village. Recently the salon hosted a customer appreciation day to say thanks for the support, with hand crafted goods, refreshments and good cheer. Continue Reading