Posted on 04 May 2012 by Editor
Tucked away at the very end of Torne Valley Road, there’s a lot more than recycling going on at the low-slung Rockland County Solid Waste Mangement Authority buildings. Surrounded by geometrical shaped bio-solids composting near the hilltop plant, the center is the site where all county paper and plastic comes to be separated and processed in huge hanger-like warehouses. But those activities are only part of the authority’s activities. This Sunday, May 6, come rain or shine, the RCSWA team welcomes area residents to discover more about their efforts during the 3rd Annual Environmental Day: Living Green in Rockland Continue Reading
Posted on 02 May 2012 by Editor
Here’s good news for local job hunters. Town Supervisor Christopher St. Lawrence held a press conference recently at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Suffern to unveil a bit of high-tech job search wizardry. The town has a new job search website called Ramapo Tweet My Jobs that allows residents to push/pull job information directly from potential employers.
The town signed an 18-month, $50,000 contract a California company to run the digital jobs board, which hosts similar site for Atlanta and Newark. Ramapo will be the first small locale to use the technology, which allows Town of Ramapo residents to sign up for town-specific job searches seeking work through email, smartphone and other social media applications. Employers post jobs for free.
To use the Town of Ramapo Jobs Connector, go to the site, sign in by creating an account and begin searching. There are some 384 Twitter channels to parse through such as Veteran jobs in Ramapo, Internship jobs in Ramapo and Security jobs in Ramapo.
On another front, the Town of Ramapo will hosts Living Green in Rockland, which celebrates the 2012 Environmental Day, Sunday, May 6th, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Rockland County Solid Waste Management Authority.
The event is an opportunity to check out the compost bins and barrels that will be on sale. There will also be an organic plant sale, tours of the native plants garden. Family activities include face painting for kids, radio controlled airplane demonstrations, balloon artists, food, music, and more. It’s a chance to get out in the sun for some fun. Further information, call 845-753-2200.
Source: Mareesa Nicosia, LoHud for information related to the new Ramapo Tweet My Jobs site.
Posted on 02 May 2012 by Editor
Often at the heart of a healthy community is an active library, nurturing young readers and providing a place for locals to meet and greet. The Tuxedo Park Library continues that tradition with its robust Authors’ Circle program that brings in
accomplished writers for an evening of audience interaction. This coming Saturday, May 5, the Author’s Circle Presents A Conversation Between Amy Hemple and Patricia Bosworth. Hempel is an acclaimed short story master while Bosworth is a noted biographer and writer. The afternoon event takes place at 3 p.m. and will be moderated by Tuxedo residents Glenn Young and Gerald Howard, who both work in publishing. Continue Reading
Posted on 01 May 2012 by Editor
These days when the sound of the fire alarm rings out, the Sloatsburg Volunteer Fire Department responds in brand new black turnout gear. Nothing says pride to a firefighter like new high-performance gear, especially when the gear being replaced is worn and faded and fire-seared from years of overuse.
In early March, the Sloatsburg Village Board issued a five-year $100,000 Serial Bond to purchase fire gear, a new Public Works truck, and for municipal improvements and repairs at both the Municipal Building and other village properties. Continue Reading